Rosalie gallery

This gallery shows all pictures from the site that relate to what I have called the Rosalie section of Western Creek (from Murraba Street to Haig Road). Unless indicated otherwise, all photos are Copyright Angus Veitch 2011.

Last modified: December 18, 2011

10 thoughts on “Rosalie

  1. I grew up in this area (Beck St) from the late 1930’s to 1957 but can’t ever remember it being flooded like this. Interesting but so sad.

    • Hi Joan. Judging from the chart of flood heights that I put together on this page, you lived there during perhaps the longest stretch ever without a major flood. Between 1931 and 1974 there was very little flooding to speak of.

      I hope you find some positive memories here too!

  2. I lived in Fernberg Road from 1945 until 1960 and attended Milton State School. Gregory Park was always flooded after heavy rain as well as our back yard. My mother was still living in the house when it was flooded in 1974. The water came up to the windows, now that was a flood!

  3. My mother was about 7 months pregnant with me while living on Heussler tce Milton in the 1974 floods. We moved to Elizabeth St Rosalie when i was about 4. Lived there until 1985. Great place to grow up and explore as a child. I was the youngest of 4 girls that went to Milton State School, and did Ballet in the old Church I think that still stands behind the Suncorp Stadium.

  4. lived in 99 beck street from about 1954 thru to 1964.

    pretty sure i remember them putting a big drainage or sewerage pipe through the back yard. never had any flooding in those days.

    i also remember the shop in beck street burning down. will never forget the smell :p

  5. Our family’s house was at 121 Baroona Road, where my parents lived for 50 years from 1952. It was ‘up on stumps’ – about 3.6 metres at the front, and 1.2 metres at the rear. In the 1974 floods, the water stopped 15 cm below the floor boards. Under the house, as you can imagine, was a mess after the water went down. During the flood, our local Rosalie butcher inspected his shop in a ‘tinnie’ with an outboard motor (only the roof of his shop was out of the water), then proceeded up Baroona Road and tied off to the top of our front steps.

    Gregory Park regularly flooded in heavy rain – especially near the corner of Haig and Baroona Roads. Growing up, I was one of many kids splashing around in a couple of feet of water there.

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